Beautifully simple pricing. We get paid when you get paid.
1. Invoicing
1.1 It’s completely free!
Signing up to and using the Xpence invoicing app is free of charge. You can send an unlimited amount of invoices every month without paying a single penny.
2. Payment Gateway Services
2.1 Pay-as-You-Go Processing Fees
For each of your invoices, which are paid online using the payment gateway, we charge you 3.5% (three and half percent) of the invoice value.
For a limited period you will receive 1.5% cashback for any invoices paid online using Xpence services. We will inform you in advance, when the cashback offer will expire.
You will be able to see processing fee for your invoice, even before you send it, when you switch on the online payment method for your invoice.
The processing fee will be deducted from the invoice value before the funds are settled to your nominated account.
Your customers will not be informed of your processing fees, and they will not have to pay anything extra for paying online. They will pay the face value of the invoice only.
2.2 Refunds
For any invoice paid online, we can reverse the transaction before the funds are settled to you (typically 7 days). The cost of processing the refund is 3.5% (three and half percent).
2.2 The Chosen Ones
During the beta testing phase, selected users will receive a cashback at the end of each month to cover their processing fees.
This will be for a limited period and users will be informed in advanced by Xpence before we close “The Chosen Ones” incentive programme.
Chosen ones will get AED 200 (two hundred Emirati Dirhams) in cashback each month for the first AED 10,000 (ten thousand Emirati Dirhams) worth of invoices paid online.